
Hip Hop Artist Mense’s Tips On How To Write A Hit

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I’ve always been intrigued by how music artists write their songs and come up with lyrics. In this interview with rising artist Mense, he outlines his own song writing process and what works best for him from his own experience

PM: Hi Mense. Please could you tell me what influences shape your music?

Mense: Personal experiences mostly

PM: What are you trying to express through your music?

Mense: Mostly my feelings. I find it difficult expressing my emotions so for me doing it through hip hop music is an outlet to communicate my feelings.

PM: Once you know what it is you want to express in a song, what’s the next step?

Mense: When I’m writing I like to be alone like in my safe place where I feel comfortable and relaxed. I hate writing in a studio it puts me under pressure and I wouldn’t be able to maximise my full potential. So I like to write before going into the booth.

PM: Ok, so a safe place is crucial. What other factors need consideration during song writing?

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Mense: Nothing else really just me in my safe place alone listening to beats.

PM: On average a song takes how long to write from start to finish?

Mense: It really depends on what I’m writing about. I like to take my time with my music and hate rushing it. It can take a week or 2 and then sometimes only a couple of days.

PM: Ok. So once you’ve written the song what’s next?

Mense: Then I go to the studio to get it recorded. Then when it’s all done and mastered I then start to plan my music video.

PM: How do you decide on what beat to use?

Mense: When I can start writing and flowing to the beat that’s when I know if it’s meant for me.

PM: It’s a mystical bond between rhyme and beat?

Mense: Yhhh definitely.

Listen to Mense hit song ‘Dear Kelisha’ here



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