
A Guide To Print On Demand On Printify.

Table of Contents

So you’re churning out art and design masterpieces daily and looking for different ways you can put them on the market apart from social media. Heard of print on demand? Print On Demand is described as:

‘A very unique fulfillment process in which products are created and dropshipped to customers only after a sale goes through – your merchandise will never require management, storage, or protection’.

About Printify

Printify is a transparent print-on-demand and dropshipping platform designed to help people make money in a simple and easy way.

With us, you can design your own products and run an entire business from the comfort of your home. We handle production and shipping directly to your customers.

We have 350+ products (and counting) – t-shirts, sportswear, hoodies, dresses, phone cases, mugs, stationery items, bags, canvases, posters, decors, and much more. 

You don’t have to bear the risk of investing money in the inventory – only pay for a product once a customer buys from you.

More than 500,000 sellers trust Printify – our service enables people of all ages and from all walks of life to fulfill their lifelong dreams of financial independence. 

Need inspiration? A merchant of ours has made over $200,000 in a year, another – $100,000 in a month, and there are many other great examples! Their advice is right on the money.

What’s more, opening an online store does not require years of experience. Anyone can do it in a matter of a few hours – our step-by-step guide will show you how.

  • Step 1: Sign up for a Printify account 
  • Step 2: Choose products to sell and create your designs
  • Step 3: Customize your online store
  • Step 4: Set your prices and profit margins
  • Step 5: Publish your store and start selling



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